Month 15 featured image for project s2

Case Study Update – Month 15 Project “s²”

Besides seeing my 2-year-old daughter dressed up for Halloween, nothing really exciting happened in October. I’m starting to lean toward stopping these monthly reports as nothing exciting has really happened for a while.

Month 14 featured image for project s2

Case Study Update – Month 14 Project “s²”

Slight changes this month, but nothing crazy. Just the sort of stuff you’d expect going into Q4. Slight increase in traffic, which I assume comes from people no longer on “vacation”. And a slight increase in EPMV, which is a welcomed assumption.

Month 10 featured image for project s2

Case Study Update – Month 10 Project “s²”

It’s taken me a while to get around to doing this update. One, because it’s not exciting (spoiler alert, things went down a bit), and two, sh*t has well and truly hit the fan since the recent June 2022 Google updates.

case study update featured image

Case Study Update – Month 7 Project “s²”

Alright, my second “official” update for this case study, but it’s Month 7 for the overall project. I’m very happy with the progress, and almost reached 30,000 PVs, I’m sure I’ll hit it next month with the full 31 days.