I’m actually kind of shocked, both traffic and earnings have had an increase.
Nothing spectacular, but I was expecting to be in the low hundreds by this point.
It’s getting me to consider testing out some article and see what happens. Maybe I could build something up to sell?
Here’s the tl;dr on the site specs:
- Cloudways Vultr hosting from the start
- Ezoic ads from the start
- GeneratePress Theme (basic setup)
- Aged Domain
Analytics Traffic
In December 2024, month 41, I had 4,319 pageviews for this website.
That’s definitely a bump up. I should really dig deeper into what’s causing the bump and see if it’s holiday related or actual rankings changing.
I’m not going to lie, it isn’t much, but I was honestly expecting things to dwindle to the hundreds.
Kind of surprised it’s still alive and going up a bit.
Let’s Talk Money
For month 41 of this website, the Ezoic earnings were $36.00 (with a $9.93 EPMV)
Last month’s earnings were $30.89.
We hawt.
So, What’s the Plan?
I haven’t done any A.I. articles yet, but I thought about it.
I haven’t tested out Ghost yet, but I thought about it.
I haven’t done anything productive for the site, but I keep thinking about it.
I think I have my new years resolution…